What is Content Marketing?

Fact: All businesses should be engaged in some sort of marketing, to attract new customers, retain existing ones and maintain their reputation.

Obviously there are lots of ways to engage in marketing, but for an article about using your website effectively, content marketing seems the obvious process to discuss.

As defined by the Content Marketing Institute “Content marketing is a marketing technique of creating and distributing valuable, relevant and consistent content to attract and acquire a clearly defined audience – with the objective of driving profitable customer action”.

Content Marketing

That means creating and curating material that demonstrates you are knowledgeable in your chosen field. When people engage with you via social media, receive communications from you or visit your website, they should be favourably impressed with what they find.

In terms of your website, a visit should be a rich experience. Visitors should find a wealth of material. This is especially true if the visit was the result of a search. If someone searches for information, is lead to your website and has their enquiry answered, they will form a favourable opinion of you.

To achieve this, your website needs a constant input of fresh, interesting and relevant content. If your website is based on a Content Management System (CMS), this is easier to achieve. Input can be in form of pictures, picture galleries, new pages, blog entries and news stories. CMS like WordPress also offer tools which help you format your material in a way that will expose it most effectively to search engines.

If you would like to know more about how to manage your website to become an effective marketing tool, call me on 0333 123 0004 or email on chris@vapourtrail.biz