All About the WordPress Theme

Websites are designed to present to the viewer in a controlled way. Headers, sidebars and footers all appear in defined places. Consistent fonts and colours will be used throughout. When the website based on WordPress, the “rules” for the appearance of the website are contained in the theme The WordPress theme is a package of … Read more

Using Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a powerful tool that can help you understand the patterns of traffic to your website. It can also be daunting due to the huge range of information on offer. Here is a useful entry point to understanding what Google Analytics has to offer:

Google SEO Guide

If you do a Google search on how to do SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) you will find thousands of pages all making various claims. Some of these folks will no doubt know what they are doing, others won’t. How do you best spend your precious time? Since most people search with Google, how about looking … Read more